
A mostrar mensagens de junho, 2019

Citação 10: Lutero

The term 'our Father' refers to a confidence that we can place solely in God. No other can assist us to get to heaven than this one Father. The Scriptures say, 'No one ascends into heaven but he who descends from heaven, the Son of man' [John 3:13]. In his skin and on his back we too must ascend. Thus all who are heavy-laden, and even those who do not know the meaning of these words, may well pray this prayer.

Martin Luther, An Exposition of the Lord's Prayer [...], 1519; AE 42:23


A médica diz-me que no outro dia pensou em mim.

Esteve a ver um documentário sobre Espanha.

Georges Bizet (1838-1875): L'arlésienne suíte n.º 2 (1879)

Arranjada por Ernest Guiraud quatro anos após a morte de Bizet, esta suíte reúne temas da  L'Arlésienne Suíte n.º 1 de Bizet, composta em 1872 para osquestra sinfónica, e alguns outros temas da obra de Bizet.

Aqui o quarto movimento, Farândola, acompanhado de um comentário genial do internauta MyWorldSpoken no YouTube:

When you enter your classroom 0:00
The teacher delivers the tests 0:17
You write on the test 0:32
You quickly finish the largest task 0:45
You finish the first page 0:55
You move on to the second page 1:05
You are proud of yourself 1:15
You are struggling with task 13. 1:26
You peek at the clock to see what's the time 1:37
You have 20 min till you give the test to the teacher 1:42
You stay calm and finish some tasks but with a bit of stress and struggle 1:52
You're speeding to finish the test 2:14
You finish the test 2:55
The teacher grabs your test 2:57
You're happy 3:00