Georges Bizet (1838-1875): L'arlésienne suíte n.º 2 (1879)

Arranjada por Ernest Guiraud quatro anos após a morte de Bizet, esta suíte reúne temas da  L'Arlésienne Suíte n.º 1 de Bizet, composta em 1872 para osquestra sinfónica, e alguns outros temas da obra de Bizet.

Aqui o quarto movimento, Farândola, acompanhado de um comentário genial do internauta MyWorldSpoken no YouTube:

When you enter your classroom 0:00
The teacher delivers the tests 0:17
You write on the test 0:32
You quickly finish the largest task 0:45
You finish the first page 0:55
You move on to the second page 1:05
You are proud of yourself 1:15
You are struggling with task 13. 1:26
You peek at the clock to see what's the time 1:37
You have 20 min till you give the test to the teacher 1:42
You stay calm and finish some tasks but with a bit of stress and struggle 1:52
You're speeding to finish the test 2:14
You finish the test 2:55
The teacher grabs your test 2:57
You're happy 3:00


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