Godspeed: The Pace of Being Known
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Pequeno documentário sobre a agitação do mundo contemporâneo.
Ver aqui.
Times New Roman – história
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Alberto Caeiro / Fernando Pessoa (4)
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I may no longer be in the world.
I would like to think that the spring is a person
So that I could imagine she would weep,
Seeing she had lost her only friend.
But the spring isn’t even a thing:
It’s a manner of speaking.
Not even the flowers come back, or the green leaves.
There are new flowers, new green leaves.
There are other sweet days.
(de Poemas Inconjuntos; trad. Magaret Jull Costa)
Leituras de Verão (5)
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John Baillie, A Diary of Private Prayer (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1949)
Primeira publicação 1936
Citação 18: Mário de Carvalho
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Pisoteei meticulosamente o desenho com as minhas botinhas cardadas, até restar apenas uma lavra de areia remexida. Acto inútil. Não se apagam as realidades destruindo-lhes os símbolos. Talvez muitas milhas além, no caminho do cardador outros desenhos aparecessem e outras memórias fossem reavivadas. Estava extinta a congregação do peixe? Eu procurava convencer-me de que sim. Que sabia eu?
Mário de Carvalho, Um Deus Passeando Pela Brisa da Tarde, 1994
Alberto Caeiro / Fernando Pessoa (3)
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Emily Dickinson
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Achado na Net (5)
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Citação 17: Lutero
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The summons of death comes to us all, and no one can die for another. Every one must fight his own battle with death by himself, alone. We can shout into another's hears, but every one must himself be prepared for the time of death, for I will not be with you then, nor you with me. Therefore every one must himself be armed with the chief things which concern a Christian. And these are what you, my beloved, have heard from me many days ago.
Martin Luther, Sermon on Invocavit Sunday (9-3-1522); AE 51:70
Citação 16: Lutero
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We must [...] have love and through love we must do to one another as God has done to us through faith. For without love faith is nothing, as St. Paul says: If I had the tongues of angels and could speak of the highest things in faith, and have not love, I am nothing.
Martin Luther, Sermon on Invocavit Sunday (9-3-1522); AE 51:71
Teolinda Gersão: Lançamento de Alice e Outras Mulheres
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São Francisco em 1906 e a cores
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Boas notícias
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Citação 15: Galileu
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Citação 14: Denis de Rougemont
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Humor com humor se paga
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Afinal de contas, humor com humor se paga. De preferência, sem insultos.
Arvo Pärt: Arbos
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Caetano Veloso: "Livros"
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Rolling Stones: "Living in a Ghost Town"
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Grizelda: Grammar Police
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Quando a realidade transcende a ficção
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Diários da Segunda Grande Guerra
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Tráfego aéreo em Março-Abril
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Metáforas bélicas
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Em todo o caso, parece-me que a ideia sugerida por Jaworska é um tanto arriscada.
PS: Depois de escrever este post vi que artigos publicados no Internazionale, nos dias 22 e 30 de Março, mostram que o mesmo fenómeno já havia sido notado na Itália, o que não favorece a proposta de Jaworska.
Achado na Net (4)
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John Donne: Death's Duel
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"There we leave you, in that blessed dependency, to hang upon him, that hangs upon the cross. There bathe in his tears, there suck at his wounds, and lie down in peace in his grave, till he vouchsafe you a resurrection, and an ascension into that kingdom which he hath purchased for you, with the inestimable price of his incorruptible blood."
O sermão foi publicado no ano seguinte, sob o título Death's Duel, or, A Consolation of the Soul, against the dying Life, and living Death of the Body. O frontispício ainda nos diz que a casa real veio a estimar que, com ele, Donne na verdade pregou o sermão do seu próprio funeral. Em verdade, a doença mostrou-se fatal, e Donne acabou por morrer um mês depois, no dia 31 de Março.
John Donne: Hymn to God, My God, in My Sickness
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Where, with thy choir of saints for evermore,
I shall be made thy music; as I come
I tune the instrument here at the door,
And what I must do then, think here before.
Whilst my physicians by their love are grown
Cosmographers, and I their map, who lie
Flat on this bed, that by them may be shown
That this is my south-west discovery,
Per fretum febris, by these straits to die,
I joy, that in these straits I see my west;
For, though their currents yield return to none,
What shall my west hurt me? As west and east
In all flat maps (and I am one) are one,
So death doth touch the resurrection.
Is the Pacific Sea my home? Or are
The eastern riches? Is Jerusalem?
Anyan, and Magellan, and Gibraltar,
All straits, and none but straits, are ways to them,
Whether where Japhet dwelt, or Cham, or Shem.
We think that Paradise and Calvary,
Christ's cross, and Adam's tree, stood in one place;
Look, Lord, and find both Adams met in me;
As the first Adam's sweat surrounds my face,
May the last Adam's blood my soul embrace.
So, in his purple wrapp'd, receive me, Lord;
By these his thorns, give me his other crown;
And as to others' souls I preach'd thy word,
Be this my text, my sermon to mine own:
"Therefore that he may raise, the Lord throws down."
Teresa Esteves da Fonseca / Kurt Weill / Chico Buarque
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Brad Mehldau / Beatles: And I Love Her
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Emily Dickinson: "Prayer is a little implement"
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Prayer is the little implement
Through which men reach
Where presence is denied them.
They fling their speech
By means of it in God's ear;
If then He hear,
This sums the apparatus
Comprised in prayer.
Deslocações para férias
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Pico do COVID-19 em Portugal
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Citação da Bíblia 4: Isaías
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For thus says the high and lofty One
who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy:
"I dwell in the high and holy place,
and also with him who is of a contrite and humble spirit,
to revive the spirit of the humble,
and to revive the heart of the contrite."
Isaías 57:15 (Revised Standard Version)
Inovação linguística
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Acabei de ler num texto publicado há 8 horas:
"Mesmo de corentena vamos festejar."
Talvez aglutinação das palavras "corona" e "quarentena."
Achado na Net (3)
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Uma versão protestante da famosa "bar joke"
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Também esta árvore reverdecerá
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Coisas para fazer
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Imagens do estado de emergência, do Observador
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Distância social
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Frederico Lourenço: Latim em tempos de coronavírus
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Vírus chinês?
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Cuomo wants “all states to be treated the same.” But all states aren’t the same. Some are being hit hard by the Chinese Virus, some are being hit practically not at all. New York is a very big “hotspot”, West Virginia has, thus far, zero cases. Andrew, keep politics out of it....— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 17, 2020
W. H. Auden: "Luther" (1940)
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With conscience cocked to listen for the thunder,
He saw the Devil busy in the wind,
Over the chiming steeples and then under
The doors of nuns and doctors who had sinned.
What apparatus could stave off disaster
Or cut the brambles of man's error down?
Flesh was a silent dog that bites its master,
World a still pond in which its children drown.
The fuse of Judgement spluttered in his head:
"Lord smoke these honeyed insects from their hives.
All Works, Great Men, Societies are bad.
The Just shall live by Faith..." he cried in dread.
And men and women of the world were glad,
Who'd never cared or trembled in their lives.
COVID-19: psicologia de massas e o papel higiénico
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Achado na Net (2)
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Este ano comecei a Quaresma cedo. Arreliado com o facto de o Advento e o dia de Natal me terem passado praticamente despercebidos, decidi aclimatar-me à Quaresma cedo, antes que múltiplas ocupações me distraissem de leituras apropriadas.
Foi assim que no fim dos doze dias do Natal e no início da Epifania li paulatinamente o pequeno livro The Passion Pilgrimage (1961), uma colecção de nove sermões do pregador de Detroit Erwin Kurth, que nos pinta as cenas da Paixão com um misto de detalhe histórico e imaginação ao passo que nos leva em peregrinação entre os jardins das oliveiras e da resurreição:
"The itinerary will be from garden to garden. We shall begin in a garden of anguish, and end in a garden of hope. In between, we shall witness what great things God has wrought in our behalf." (p. 17)
Talvez fruto do seu tempo, estes sermões demonstram grande preocupação com a situação histórica e material de fundo – mais do que gostaria de encontrar em textos devocionais. O registo que materializa essa preocupação nem sempre facilita a beleza de expressão, mas aqui deixo alguns passos onde a elaboração poética relampeja forte.
"[T]he bloody sweat of Jesus came from an utter faintness of the soul. 'My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death.' [...] His eyes did not weep tears. His whole body wept tears. And the tears were as blood." (p. 20)
"Sin is death begun; death is sin completed." (p. 21)
A descrição do encontro dos olhos de Pedro nos olhos de Jesus depois de ele o ter negado três vezes nos faz imaginar o que esses olhos diziam:
"Peter looked up, and as he looked, he saw, up there on the portico of the palace, the Lord turning and looking at him. Yes, in all the assembly, the Lord looked upon Peter. Those eyes! They were the eyes of God." (p. 53)
"[The penitent thief] could see only a man impaled on a dagger of wood, stripped of clothing, dignity, and earthly power, marred by stripes and thorns; rendered helpless by nails, ropes, and a wooden pin; forsaken by His disciples and rejected by a people who might conceivably have qualified as subjects of the 'kingdom'; yapped at by the leaders and their followers; scorned, ridiculed, reviled; suspended between heaven and earth as though belonging to neither. And yet the thief dared to say, 'This is my Lord and King.' 'Lord, remember me when Thou comest into Thy kindom.' What marvelous insight! What towering faith!" (pp. 86-7)
A resposta de Jesus não podia esperar:
"Today, as soon as thy soul leaves its earthly tabernacle, 'thou shalt be with Me in paradise.' I promise this. I certify it with a 'Verily.' Wouldest thou ask for more? To be with Me is paradise. Paradise does not extend higher or wider or deeper or farther than that." (p. 90)
Ler literatura portuguesa em inglês
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Alberto Caeiro / Fernando Pessoa (2)
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The sun and moon aren't in a hurry; they're right.
To hurry is to suppose we can overtake our legs
Or leap over our shadow.
No, I'm not in a hurry.
If I stretch out my arm, I'll reach exactly as far as my arm reaches
And not half an inch farther.
I touch where my finger touches, not where I think.
I can only sit down where I am.
This sounds ridiculous, like all absolutely true truths,
But what's really ridiculous is how we're always thinking of
something else,
And we're always outside it, because we're here.
(de Poemas Inconjuntos; trad. Richard Zenith)
Citação da Bíblia 3: Judas Macabeu
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Alberto Caeiro / Fernando Pessoa
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Pouco me importa.Pouco me importa o quê? Não sei: pouco me importa.
Quando me perguntam se Portugal fica no hemisfério sul
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Citação 13: Sherlock Holmes
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